The Struggles Of Platforming As An Introvert

To start off, this post isn’t going to offer any grand solutions to platform building — I have none. This remains one of my greatest struggles as an author in addition to being a point of frustration and bursts of depression. For every step forward, no visible progress seems to occur, and now that I’mContinue reading “The Struggles Of Platforming As An Introvert”

Writing Recap: Revision Madness

After puttering out in the last couple of chapters, I overcame the rut and finally finished Descent, the follow-up to Heritage Lost. Well, finished the drafting part . . . I’m currently neck-deep in revisions. Revisions, however, have always come easiest for me. My drafts are always sparse, so revisions include more fleshing out, particularlyContinue reading “Writing Recap: Revision Madness”

OUAT Writing Lessons: Concerning Plotting A Series

For a bit of fun, I thought it would be great to examine the TV series, Once Upon A Time, which, in my opinion, started strong before faltering in quality and becoming laden with oh-so-many plot holes, inconsistencies, disappearing characters, etc. Don’t get me wrong, I still love OUAT despite all its flaws. However, IContinue reading “OUAT Writing Lessons: Concerning Plotting A Series”

Self-publishing: What I’d Do Differently

I have previously written about my self-publishing journey: why I opted for this pathway and how I pursued it. Heritage Lost was my first full-length novel release, and as such, there was an immense learning curve that my short story releases couldn’t prepare me for. There are numerous things that I will do differently (asContinue reading “Self-publishing: What I’d Do Differently”

A Tardy April Recap

Largely trapped at home, save for work, thanks to COVID-19 self-isolation, I did manage to get a lot of writing done during the month of April. I fell short of my 30,000 word count goal for Camp NaNoWriMo; however, I did come close to completing Descent‘s  rough draft. I am down to four chapters, according toContinue reading “A Tardy April Recap”

Of Francis de Sales, Chaos, Insanity, And Series Bibles

Full disclosure: I’m not Catholic, but I could really use the divine intervention of saint Francis de Sales, the patron saint of writers and journalists — I am both — to sort out the mess my series notes have become for the Heritage Verse, thus saving me from a madness of my own making. WhenContinue reading “Of Francis de Sales, Chaos, Insanity, And Series Bibles”

March Recap: Live readings and more

In an attempt to be a more consistent blogger, I plan to start writing recaps at the end of each month on just my general writing progress, release information, and general life things. The Writing At the end of 2019, I’d created a five-year business plan of goals I want to accomplish from 2020-2025. ForContinue reading “March Recap: Live readings and more”

Obligatory 2019 Recap & Here’s To 2020

Well, we’re already a month into 2020, so this blog is off to a terrific start in the new year. But I still wanted to get this post of reflection done. Part of me believes I was an incredibly lazy year, but then I sit and really think about all that I accomplished during it.Continue reading “Obligatory 2019 Recap & Here’s To 2020”

Meet Heritage Lost’s Cast: Mina

Mina, 16, may or may not have been named after a popular Reznic singer — she’ll never tell (think of the embarrassing band your parents adore). Truthfully, she won’t say much about her early life before she came into Katya’s orbit. Her parents are a topic strictly off the table. Having been born on theContinue reading “Meet Heritage Lost’s Cast: Mina”

Heritage Lost Release Week

Heritage Lost officially arrives this Friday, Dec. 6.  And running up to its release, a lot of fun activities are planned, including the conclusion of my ongoing prequel short story, The Promise; a few e-book giveaways; and a release day party on my author Facebook page. The e-book version is still available for preorder on AmazonContinue reading “Heritage Lost Release Week”